About me
Hey, my name is PJ and here is my story!
The Pandemic 😷
By spring of 2020, Covid had crushed my 15-year in-person business overseas and it nearly went bankrupt! Around that same time, my mother, who has dementia was forced into a nursing home lockdown in Canada that prevented all her caregivers and family friends from seeing her (many will know what I am talking about here).
As only family members were allowed to see her in that nursing home (luckily), and we were able to work remotely with our colleagues around the world, my wife and I moved back to be on the ground for her.
My experience in the industry
I’ve worked in home improvement/concept & interior design throughout my life (both residential and in creative projects/collaborations) and LOVE being a part of the painting, building, home improvement, and concept/interior design process.
I was fortunate to work with great architects and along side some fantastic teams of contractors over the years that cared a lot about their work. I also renovated all my own apartments and my own storefronts and did a bunch of work on my family home as well. It all stands to be some of the most gratifying work in my life!
Restarting my work as a painter!
I had to do something to supplement my wife’s and my income with a flexible time commitment that allowed me to continue to bootstrap our main business post-covid bounce-back plan. (That’s right, I am not done with that business!). As I have a passion for painting specifically, I started working part time as a freelance residential painter here in Montreal.
Supply & Demand
After a long hiatus from working in this industry, I found myself immersed in high volumes of contracts that resulted in both the contractors and sub-contractors doing the fastest possible work to meet the demand of the pandemic-driven home improvement/new home purchase wave. I saw that some of the work being done (not mine) was not as consistent as it could have been, and promises to clients could not be kept.
Simple Conception
Although people I worked with were generally really nice, and the overall services I saw offered by the bigger contractors were consistent enough to keep most clients happy, I decided to go solo to Simplify things and to be independently accountable for what I do! Hence the conception of my bespoke part time side project: Simple Peintre!
So there you have the short version! I could go on and on for those who know me well, but I’ll leave it at that for now!
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